Thursday, April 9, 2009

Reference No. M450 Answering Machine Manual

Findings from the blog

By the longer address the issue of plagiarism and writing the blog, a feeling confirmed, which was, at the beginning: The issue is very big and diverse. However, many findings
could be obtained, which are set out in the blog. This resulted in a certain overview and a rudimentary procedure. But the topic as a whole was only scratched. But the theme aspects that were mentioned in the first blog , could all be discussed, showing that the local assessment of the effort was realistic.

A textual summary of what issues have been raised in the blog is not attempted because it would be a shame, content for reducing to a few sentences, especially since they are already written in the blog in a very short form. There would be for each entry to write more.

The cost, which the Find of the subject and the subsequent cost of writing blog was great. This is especially in comparison to the written text, since it seems that would have for the time spent more text can result. Total

has been worth the writing, as this will have read, heard or seen again had to be reflected to them shortly and hopefully write concise.
A drawback of the structured Blog writing is the fact that some interesting facts, examples and anecdotes had to be omitted because they had no direct relation to the individual websites, and the reader would still have been interesting. But part of the letter is indeed the art of omission.


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