Monday, April 6, 2009

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reasons for plagiarism?

reasons to write to plagiarism, there is no contact person or, depending on several. The arguments of those who believe that plagiarism had never allowed, are known. Much more interesting are the justifications and excuses of those who write the plagiarism. This will address this entry after the last blog has one of the most common justification was called, the Zitierfehler.

claim often caught pirates, yes, everyone plagiarize. Of course this is an excuse and no justification, is still a grain of truth in the statement. Depending on the survey from twenty to forty percent of all pupils and students have been plagiarized. While these are by no means all, but a large percentage, so that the statement that all plagiarize, although not confirmed, but somewhat understandable impact.

Besides the students there are other groups who write also plagiarism, in part, to a considerable extent.
The fact that, although not all, but plagiarized a not to be underestimated part of the writing person can explain the following justification perhaps. Many people see

plagiarism as a problem or injustice, because they lack a sense of wrongdoing in that direction. This is at least partly from the fact that the internet movies, music and lyrics can often be used free of charge, and that this content is often further processed. This lack of respect for the spiritual power of others and also the respect for intellectual property. Sun Plagiarism is often a result of this careless handling of contents. This fact is often used as a justification of plagiarism that have been discovered.

A statement by the authors of plagiarism is also frequently made, is that the time and pressure to succeed that exists today, they have gertieben to copy works of others.
This is the question of whether the pressure on the individual Person is actually greater today than it was twenty years ago. Unfortunately, this question is not answered here, but the author is skeptical, as even writers were writing in ancient Rome similar complaints.
fact is that large print is to a person of no justification for the writing of plagiarism.

Another reason for plagiarism is according to some people, the fact that all ideas have been there before and considered before, so were all thought anyway, and texts are only plagiarism. Therefore, quoting is unnecessary. This almost philosophical argument but is also more cheap excuse rather than justification.


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