Monday, June 8, 2009
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matrix plan
In a matrix plan are the qualification requirements are generally modest and usually filled with personal use. The team partners in a given matrix example 4x5 and put on the sales of the planes are fixed commission rates paid.
The example means that on the first plane 4 and 1024 people are on the fifth If you meet your qualifications, you are entitled to the commission of the total sales volume, no matter how many people are at the appropriate levels within the matrix.
so far, so good ... if the spillover effect is not would be:
ie, in the example that you can only sponsor four people on the first level. Each additional person is placed under one of these first four, until the second level is filled, etc. The people on the second level, only four people to sponsor the first level
. Each additional person steps in their second or your third level. Thus, filling the matrix (at least in theory) automatically.
This effect is known as spillover (abundance). Why did ... you should think. Although this is a good argument for Strategic partnerships of people for your MLM is wrong, it can even be reversed. There are thus lazy people almost dressed. Many begin with the idea to Multi Level Marketing , one needs to find only four Stupid, Stupid, and another four which are all then wait for the spill-over and ... nothing happens.
The Better on a stable and profitable downline. 10% commission from zero just stop at zero.
Another disadvantage meim matrix plan applies especially to professionals. By limiting the width and the depth of this marketing plan is plan in its pure form rather uninteresting. Successful networkers have far more people pretending in your down line as the matrix and naturally want to be paid to all levels, not only within the matrix.
Copyright (c) 2009 Harald Weber
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Binary Marketing Plan (Binärplan)
The Binärplan in MLM is basically a modification of the matrix. You can sponsor the first level, only two people. All other persons are placed under the first two.
When binary marketing plan will make your Multi Level Marketing Downline two lines or legs. Superficially, this compensation plan plan seems very attractive. In general, however, requires that the sales volume of both legs in a balanced or predetermined ratio.
Usually the ratio 1 / 3 or 2 / 3. Your commission payments are usually weaker after the leg.
So if your sales volume is not in the required ratio is, you only get commissions on sales from the weak leg.
Sales from the strong leg is lost! No, not really. He goes to the
upline or the company. Some companies will not even pay commissions for the weak leg or only when the required ratio is established.
Otherwise, the same as for the matrix plan
If you are not an absolute professional who has heaps of contacts and is able to constantly keep the legs in the required ratio, you should not work with this marketing plan. For MLM Part Zeitler, in my view, not appropriate.
More info: MLM marketing plan / MLM compensation plan
success in MLM
Copyright (C) 2009 Harald Weber
Thursday, April 9, 2009
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By the longer address the issue of plagiarism and writing the blog, a feeling confirmed, which was, at the beginning: The issue is very big and diverse. However, many findings
could be obtained, which are set out in the blog. This resulted in a certain overview and a rudimentary procedure. But the topic as a whole was only scratched. But the theme aspects that were mentioned in the first blog , could all be discussed, showing that the local assessment of the effort was realistic.
A textual summary of what issues have been raised in the blog is not attempted because it would be a shame, content for reducing to a few sentences, especially since they are already written in the blog in a very short form. There would be for each entry to write more.
The cost, which the Find of the subject and the subsequent cost of writing blog was great. This is especially in comparison to the written text, since it seems that would have for the time spent more text can result. Total
has been worth the writing, as this will have read, heard or seen again had to be reflected to them shortly and hopefully write concise.
A drawback of the structured Blog writing is the fact that some interesting facts, examples and anecdotes had to be omitted because they had no direct relation to the individual websites, and the reader would still have been interesting. But part of the letter is indeed the art of omission.
Monday, April 6, 2009
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The detection rate of plagiarism detection software is under Weber-Wulff often only about 50 percent. There are several reasons to be mentioned here briefly.
A central problem is that a program can only detect plagiarism when it has access to the original text. Off-line, with a Database work, which is not connected to the Internet, have a very limited selection of original texts and discover why many do not plagiarism. Online programs in this respect are of course much better. Nevertheless, the possibilities of such programs is limited because they do not have access to sources such as books or magazines as long as they are not digitized and accessible. Especially books are still popular sources for plagiarists. Each program is therefore only as good as its Zugriffsmöglickeiten to sources.
Another problem of plagiarism detection programs are translations. If a foreign-language text translated and plagiarized, this may no program To discover there is a translation of a complex operation for such a program.
A further difficulty for users of plagiarism detection software are called false positives. These are places provided by the program called plagiarism, but in fact are the author's own work. Therefore need details of plagiarism programs are always checked before the potential plagiarist is confronted with it, as it may cause very embarrassing scenes.
Another point that must be considered in the use of plagiarism detection programs is the confidence. To verify such a school all the work of their students through a software for plagiarism does this action actually shows that the school does not trust their students generally. Whether such an implied statement is good for the school climate, the reader must decide for themselves.
programs to detect plagiarism in general have still a considerable need for improvement and perhaps even negative social implications, yet they are in great demand. This shows that despite all the problems, a need. If this demand was caused by the possibilities of the Internet or by changing use of media and content can not answer this blog.
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After the last blog with the negative effects of Internet plagiarism has occupied and potential counterfeiters, will this blog deal with new programs for plagiarism detection, which arose mainly because of the Internet. discover
One of the simplest, yet most effective methods of plagiarism is Google . In the search engine a particular combination of words, a sentence or paragraph of text to be examined from a work is entered, the unusual, or otherwise special. This is usually sufficient to detect the template for plagiarism and is free. This simple method is advocated by experts .
There are also several free Internet in addition to Google services that are have specialized in the detection of plagiarism. For example, there Copyscape or PlagiarismDetect , looking for two free programs to check for plagiarism. The free programs are usually programmed by interested private individuals and then shared with other users. Nevertheless, they are not necessarily worse than programs to pay for the use you.
Examples of commercial programs Docoloc or Turnitin be mentioned. These programs are often used by institutions such as schools or universities. They are often very easy to use, deal with it, even nontechnical users with it. The quality of their results is similar as those of the free programs.
Unfortunately, the quality of the results in general a problem of plagiarism detection programs. According to Weber-Wulff find these programs in most cases only about half the places in a plagiarized work. The reasons for this poor rate of detection are discussed in the next blog. seduced
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about the reasons, the counterfeiters with their doings, was written in the last blog. Now we will show how writers can find thanks Google and other search engines in few seconds of material amounting to thousands of pages on any topic. This fact tempts some people to take themselves to writing a paper to write in patchwork plagiarism procedures. The quality of the material varies greatly, of course, but it would be fast enough documentation to write a speech or even a written work.
to work on this way was through the many sources available on the Internet much easier. Where once thinned out laboriously library catalogs for suitable books had on other borrowed books had to be maintained or waived and will be typed to accepting texts had enough, now a few mouse clicks and you have created a counterfeit. Also
Wikipedia led many users to take raw information, the local equivalent, as information processed on any topic available and understandable.
Furthermore over the Internet databases such as or be achieved that are plagiierende students have a gold mine, because there work, presentations and lectures on any subject in almost each level are available. This allure of such a database the user to plagiarize correctly as possible.
The Internet makes life easier for potential counterfeiters, because there are so many ways easy-to-find copy-material. But through the Internet, new methods to detect plagiarism have emerged that are discussed in the next blog.
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reasons to write to plagiarism, there is no contact person or, depending on several. The arguments of those who believe that plagiarism had never allowed, are known. Much more interesting are the justifications and excuses of those who write the plagiarism. This will address this entry after the last blog has one of the most common justification was called, the Zitierfehler.
claim often caught pirates, yes, everyone plagiarize. Of course this is an excuse and no justification, is still a grain of truth in the statement. Depending on the survey from twenty to forty percent of all pupils and students have been plagiarized. While these are by no means all, but a large percentage, so that the statement that all plagiarize, although not confirmed, but somewhat understandable impact.
Besides the students there are other groups who write also plagiarism, in part, to a considerable extent.
The fact that, although not all, but plagiarized a not to be underestimated part of the writing person can explain the following justification perhaps. Many people see
plagiarism as a problem or injustice, because they lack a sense of wrongdoing in that direction. This is at least partly from the fact that the internet movies, music and lyrics can often be used free of charge, and that this content is often further processed. This lack of respect for the spiritual power of others and also the respect for intellectual property. Sun Plagiarism is often a result of this careless handling of contents. This fact is often used as a justification of plagiarism that have been discovered.
A statement by the authors of plagiarism is also frequently made, is that the time and pressure to succeed that exists today, they have gertieben to copy works of others.
This is the question of whether the pressure on the individual Person is actually greater today than it was twenty years ago. Unfortunately, this question is not answered here, but the author is skeptical, as even writers were writing in ancient Rome similar complaints.
fact is that large print is to a person of no justification for the writing of plagiarism.
Another reason for plagiarism is according to some people, the fact that all ideas have been there before and considered before, so were all thought anyway, and texts are only plagiarism. Therefore, quoting is unnecessary. This almost philosophical argument but is also more cheap excuse rather than justification.
Friday, April 3, 2009
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Having been viewed in the last blog on the Plagiatorengruppen, is discussed here that reason, specify the Palgiatoren caught mostly as a justification for their plagiarism: the Zitierfehler. to use
The only way to other texts in a separate text, the quotation, because of his own text is a plagiarism otherwise. Quote seems obvious, but the Zitierfehler is still used a lot when it comes to justify plagiarism.
is often argued that the plagiarist had cited only wrong or forgot the quote. That a citation was forgotten or deleted during the formatting of the text are quite obvious excuses. But the statement that anyone know the citation was wrongly used, must be considered in more detail.
At first glance it seems simple and easy quote for granted. If anyone has a part of a text literally takes over, he must put quotation marks and indicate the source. It is more difficult but when paraphrasing. There must also be the source noted, but in a paragraph, another author cited several times by paraphrase, the source must then be specified more than once or is it sufficient to mention the other authors at the end of the paragraph? How and when a work is to quote from which only several ideas have been applied, without concrete content has been taken over? The
Citations are not as easy as you think and sometimes are learned in school until relatively late. Therefore, pupils find it and then students are not easy to quote suddenly, after they had not for years.
It pays for a school or university, clear citation to all its members leave, so nobody can claim that he did not know the rules or they would not have been comprehensible to him. Thus, at least a portion of the Zitierfehler be avoided, so that other causes of plagiarism to the fore. These reasons are discussed in the next blog.
Monday, March 16, 2009
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After recent entries that have laws that may be relevant in the context of plagiarism, were written, will focus on this entry with the actors of intellectual theft, the counterfeiters.
could of course also a broader perspective should be adopted to look at all the copyright infringers, but that would take too long, probably because almost everyone who moves to the Internet, once violated the copyright. have
Under plagiarists here understood people, taken over from his intellectual achievements, without be labeled accordingly.
The group of people that is mentioned in connection with plagiarism most sure the students. Stefan Weber claims in his book on the Google Copy Paste Syndrome that perhaps one-third of all students have written and submitted plagiarism. The number seems realistic, depending on the definition of plagiarism to be too high. Realistically then, if not already a single correct quote a job makes plagiarism, high if the barrier is not available until several uncited points.
The fact is particularly lacking in younger students a sense of wrongdoing in violation of copyright. Therefore, the Wikipedia often used 1:1 in order to write a paper on a specific topic, without being named as the source is.
But university students, it often do not correspond exactly to the citation, although they are known to them. An excuse that is often heard is that this so everyone do. As long as the submission of any drastic consequences of plagiarism and the teachers work is not systematically check for plagiarism is understandable that students care little for Zitiervorschriften. It has been shown in different schools, that only makes the already threatened use of plagiarism software to check the number of plagiarism fall massively, and students are quite capable of quoting correctly (see here ).
Another group, at which time and again Piracy That arise are researchers, lecturers and academic staff of universities. Especially these people have a role model and influence a large number of students. It is therefore incomprehensible why not meet people who do indeed work in a scientific environment and the rules of academic work. The often-cited publications increased pressure under which these people are is not an argument for the spiritual power to acquire other, nor for its own services to publish more than once or piecemeal.
Journalists and writers are not immune to accept sentences or entire passages from third parties, without they correctly identify them, such as body read here.
It can be said pretty sure that everyone who is writing active may be tempted to take ideas from others that even this is often unavoidable. It is hoped, however, that the vast majority is willing to admit what ideas they took over and these features accordingly.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
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This entry is an addendum to speak on the issue of plagiarism and of Swiss law.
Normally piracy related only thought about private law, as to the copyright. Under certain circumstances, plagiarism can be prosecuted have. A dissertation on this subject under the title science fraud was written here but only briefly discusses the various possible offenses, mainly to sensitize the reader for criminal aspects.
An offense that can be committed by the creation of plagiarism, the falsification of documents in accordance with Article 251ff. Penal Code. This offense seems pretty obvious, because plagiarism is almost always a fake document. The difference between a document and a certificate is a document that is intended and likely to prove the facts of legal significance. Since the courts that definition far Who interpret a document can quickly be a certificate. Therefore, someone who has written a plagiarism, easily threaten a fine or a prison sentence of up to five years, as recorded in SCC 251 para 1 .
Created plagiarize someone with the intention of enriching himself or another person unlawfully, it is possible that he thus satisfied the elements of a crime under Penal Code 146 .
course must be examined in the criminal law still many conditions that divided the legal profession in accordance with an objective and a subjective part, or may be punishable. must be considered such as whether the perpetrator of the offense intentionally committed so with so-called intent, or whether he only acted clumsily, which is then called negligence.
Despite all these tests is according to doctrine and court practice of the criminal stock fraud by someone who meets a fake created to enrich themselves, relatively simple. This person often repeats their actions, this can even be described as professional securities fraud, which according to Article 146 paragraph 2 StGB with can be punishable by up to ten years imprisonment.
one considers therefore the writing of plagiarism even from a criminal perspective, we see how serious can be the impact of a plagiarism. Of course it needs to more than just forgetting a CBE, but it pays to use his sources deliberately.
Friday, February 27, 2009
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The following entry will deal with the protection of intellectual property in accordance with Swiss law.
A good overview on the topic can be found on the side of the Intellectual Property Institute .
The principal law relating to intellectual property is the Copyright Act, short URG. This law defined in Article 2 of the first known work, which is protected. This work must be an intellectual creation of literature or art, which has an individual character. It follows then in Article 2, paragraph 2, a detailed list of such works.
In Article 6 URG is noted that the author is the natural person who created the work. One is thus also the author when the work on behalf of another person or as an employee of a company creates, although in this case depending on the exploitation rights transfer agreement the customer.
stands in Articles 9 and 10 of the Act that the author has the right to recognition of authorship and that he has the exclusive right to determine whether, when and how the work may be used.
Through this article therefore, the protection of intellectual property in Switzerland set out in principle. Of course there are limitations and exceptions to these strict rules.
Probably the most important limitation is referred to in Article 25 of the Copyright Law. It states that published works may be quoted if the quote to illustrate, as an indication or serves to illustrate the scope and if the quote is justified by that purpose. The quote and the source need to be called. This approach is also understood in the scientific work, but it's nice to know that such work is legal.
is a derogation from the legal protection is in the use of copyright works on a personal level, friends and in school Area. Article 19 of Copyright Law allows the use of protected works in these areas without requiring compensation to be paid.
Another exception of article 5 of the LDA, for instance cited here extensively copyright law because all laws and official publications are not protected as it should be as widespread.
is interesting that in Switzerland, in contrast to other countries, protection of intellectual property rights are not applied for. be an intellectual creation, which is covered by the CRA, it need not be provided with a character like ©.
information on the International Protection of Intellectual Property can be found on the website of the World Intellectual Property Organization .
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
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This blog will discuss in the next ten weeks with issues surrounding the protection of intellectual property, plagiarism and copyright.
Since this topic is too big and complex, however, to be considered fully in a blog to be put in this blog focuses and highlights only certain aspects of the subject area.
This blog is not intended as a rival to established blogs about plagiarism and copyright, which, for example are here listed, but should rather treat a few individual subjects anything profound. The goal of the blog is the readers attention to issues of copyright making and awareness.
a focus that is treated the same at the beginning, is the copyright or intellectual property rights under Swiss law. This makes sense, since inhabitants of Switzerland are subject to Swiss law. This also applies to actions made by them on the Internet, although the Internet is a transnational, international structures, yes.
Another topic will be the actors of intellectual theft. It raises the question of whether the breach of copyright will be committed only by a particular group of people or by different people. Here are the reasons or justifications are discussed, each of which led in order to explain the violation of intellectual property.
Another aspect that will be discussed here, the question of the impact of the Internet on copyright and the number of plagiarism. Googling led to more benefits to other claim to, or prevent newest programs to detect plagiarism the theft of intellectual property?
These issues will be discussed here in any case and when to stay still time and leisure to be coming to other topics, such as a historical journey through the landscape of plagiarism or a discussion on the relevance of copyright in the Internet age.
This work or content is licensed under a Creative Commons license .