first World Action on 3.2.2011 for my son
Kay My Dear Friends,
My dear friends,
Little Relatives and acquaintances
My brothers and sisters Tern,
in the whole world.
On 02/03/2011 my son is 4 years old Kay. He has been living since April 2010 with his sister Evelyn in the judicial district Starnberg with a foster family. The Mutterhat their own children since March 2010, no longer visited.
The experts from the CCA - headquarters in Bilton. 45 -, D - 81669 Munich, Carola Partale had, with report of 01.04.2009, page 1 - 18, at the hearing before the District Court of Munich - Family Court - Geschäftszeichhen: 554 F 10982/07, 01.04.2009 Mother a "parenting skills" certified with serious consequences, as it turned out has made.
Since my son Kay on 2/3/2011 4 years old, I will ask all of you sincerely to the world of action for my son Kay on 03/02/2011 either an e - mail or facsimile or telephone call or a birthday card sent to the following as:
guardian of Kay since 06/09/2010:
Roland Völk
District Office Fürstenfeldbruck
- Office for Youth and Family -
Münchner Str 32
D - 82256 Bruck
phone 08141/519 - 278
Fax 08141/519 - 450
E - Mail - Address: roland.voelk @ lra-ffb.de
District Office Fürstenfeldbruck
- Office for Youth and Family -
Münchner Str
32 D - 82256 Bruck
phone 08141/519 - 359
Fax 08141/519 - 450
Former Clerk:
a) Ulrike grain Acher and
b) Erika Hermann
District Office Fürstenfeldbruck
- Office for Youth and Family -
Münchner Str 32, D - 82256 Bruck
phone 08141/519 - 359
Fax 08141/519 - 450
E - mail - Address: ulrike.kormnacher @ lra-ffb.de
E - Mail - Address: erika.hermann @ lra-ffb.de
Present Clerk:
District Office Fürstenfeldbruck
- Office for Youth and Family - Anita
Münchner Str 32, D - 82256 Bruck
phone 08141/519 - 359
Fax 08141/519 - 450
E - Mail - Address : anita.reindl @ lra-
ffb.de related to
social community center Pasing
- Youth Office -
woman Kürzinger
Landsberger Str 486 81241 Munich
social field:
Phone 089/233 - 089/233 96 804
Fax - 37 200 or 233-37351
E - Mail - Address: sbh-pasing.soz @ muenchen.de
related to
- Kindergarten -
Freienfelsstr. 3
D - 81249 Munich, Lochhausen
Phone 089/8712525 Fax
089/233 - 37 200 or 233-37351
District Office
District Office Fürstenfeldbruck
head of the office of district administrator
Münchner Str
32 D - 82256 Bruck
Thomas Karmasin
- District -
E - Mail - Address: landrat.Karmasin @ lra-ffb.de
Internet: http://www.lra-ffb.de/lra/lr/blkontakt.shtml
phone 08141/519 - 212
Fax 08141/519 - 941
E - Mail - Address: buero-landrat@lra-ffb.de
E - Mail - Address: pressestelle@lra-ffb.de
E - Mail - Address: oeffentlichkeitsarbeit@lra-ffb.de
District Office Fürstenfeldbruck
anteroom District
Münchner Str
32 D - 82256 Bruck
08141/519-207 phone, fax -406
E - Mail - Address: buero-District @ lra-ffb.de
District Office Fürstenfeldbruck
antechamber of the office management and public relations agency
Munich Street 32
D - 82256 Bruck
phone 08141/519-395, - 978
Fax 08141/519 - 941
E - Mail - Address: pressestelle@lra-ffb.de
E - Mail - Address :
oeffentlichkeitsarbeit@lra-ffb.de 4th
District Office Fürstenfeldbruck
Münchner Str
32 D - 82256 Bruck
phone 08141/519 - 947
Fax 08141/519 - 941
E - Mail - Address: oeffentlichkeitsarbeit@lra-ffb.de
District Office Fürstenfeldbruck
office of the county
Münchner Str
32 D - 82256 Bruck
phone 08141/519-488, -985
Fax 08141/519 - 550
E - Mail - Address: geschst-kt@lra-ffb.de
District Office Fürstenfeldbruck
- Office for Youth and Family -
Dietmar King
Münchner Str
32 D - 82256 Bruck
phone 08141/519 - 908
Fax 08141/519 - 450
E - Mail - Address: dietmar.koenig @ lra-ffb.de
District Office Fürstenfeldbruck
- Office for Youth and Family -
AL Peter Schmelzer
Munich Street 32
D - 82256 Bruck
phone 08141/519 - 208
Fax 08141/519 - 450
E - Mail - Address: peter.schmelzer @ lra-
ffb.de 6th
District Office Fürstenfeldbruck
Münchner Str
32 D - 82256 Bruck
switchboard: 08141/519 - 0
Telephone Information Service Center: 08141/519 - 999
Fax 08141/519 - 450
E - Mail - Address: poststelle@lra-ffb.de
A God reward from Münchenan to ALL, the city of dreams and the world city of the seven beers, by and with
Joachim Hinz
- father retired (= VaD) since 20.12.2007 -
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