Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Where To Get Paregoric

Kay's birthday - happy birthday welcome ....

first World Action on 3.2.2011 for my son

Kay My Dear Friends,

My dear friends,

Little Relatives and acquaintances

My brothers and sisters Tern,

in the whole world.

On 02/03/2011 my son is 4 years old Kay. He has been living since April 2010 with his sister Evelyn in the judicial district Starnberg with a foster family. The Mutterhat their own children since March 2010, no longer visited.

The experts from the CCA - headquarters in Bilton. 45 -, D - 81669 Munich, Carola Partale had, with report of 01.04.2009, page 1 - 18, at the hearing before the District Court of Munich - Family Court - Geschäftszeichhen: 554 F 10982/07, 01.04.2009 Mother a "parenting skills" certified with serious consequences, as it turned out has made.

Since my son Kay on 2/3/2011 4 years old, I will ask all of you sincerely to the world of action for my son Kay on 03/02/2011 either an e - mail or facsimile or telephone call or a birthday card sent to the following as:

guardian of Kay since 06/09/2010:

Roland Völk

District Office Fürstenfeldbruck

- Office for Youth and Family -

Münchner Str 32

D - 82256 Bruck

phone 08141/519 - 278

Fax 08141/519 - 450

E - Mail - Address: roland.voelk @ lra-ffb.de

District Office Fürstenfeldbruck

- Office for Youth and Family -

Münchner Str

32 D - 82256 Bruck

phone 08141/519 - 359

Fax 08141/519 - 450

Former Clerk:

a) Ulrike grain Acher and

b) Erika Hermann

District Office Fürstenfeldbruck

- Office for Youth and Family -

Münchner Str 32, D - 82256 Bruck

phone 08141/519 - 359

Fax 08141/519 - 450

E - mail - Address: ulrike.kormnacher @ lra-ffb.de

E - Mail - Address: erika.hermann @ lra-ffb.de

Present Clerk:

District Office Fürstenfeldbruck

- Office for Youth and Family - Anita


Münchner Str 32, D - 82256 Bruck

phone 08141/519 - 359

Fax 08141/519 - 450

E - Mail - Address : anita.reindl @ lra-

ffb.de related to


social community center Pasing

- Youth Office -

woman Kürzinger

Landsberger Str 486 81241 Munich

social field:

Phone 089/233 - 089/233 96 804

Fax - 37 200 or 233-37351

E - Mail - Address: sbh-pasing.soz @ muenchen.de

related to



- Kindergarten -

Freienfelsstr. 3

D - 81249 Munich, Lochhausen

Phone 089/8712525 Fax

089/233 - 37 200 or 233-37351

District Office


District Office Fürstenfeldbruck

head of the office of district administrator

Münchner Str

32 D - 82256 Bruck

Thomas Karmasin

- District -

E - Mail - Address: landrat.Karmasin @ lra-ffb.de

Internet: http://www.lra-ffb.de/lra/lr/blkontakt.shtml

phone 08141/519 - 212

Fax 08141/519 - 941

E - Mail - Address: buero-landrat@lra-ffb.de

E - Mail - Address: pressestelle@lra-ffb.de

E - Mail - Address: oeffentlichkeitsarbeit@lra-ffb.de


District Office Fürstenfeldbruck

anteroom District

Münchner Str

32 D - 82256 Bruck

08141/519-207 phone, fax -406


E - Mail - Address: buero-District @ lra-ffb.de


District Office Fürstenfeldbruck

antechamber of the office management and public relations agency

Munich Street 32

D - 82256 Bruck

phone 08141/519-395, - 978

Fax 08141/519 - 941

E - Mail - Address: pressestelle@lra-ffb.de

E - Mail - Address :

oeffentlichkeitsarbeit@lra-ffb.de 4th

District Office Fürstenfeldbruck


Münchner Str

32 D - 82256 Bruck

phone 08141/519 - 947

Fax 08141/519 - 941

E - Mail - Address: oeffentlichkeitsarbeit@lra-ffb.de


District Office Fürstenfeldbruck

office of the county

Münchner Str

32 D - 82256 Bruck

phone 08141/519-488, -985

Fax 08141/519 - 550

E - Mail - Address: geschst-kt@lra-ffb.de

District Office Fürstenfeldbruck

- Office for Youth and Family -

Dietmar King

Münchner Str

32 D - 82256 Bruck

phone 08141/519 - 908

Fax 08141/519 - 450

E - Mail - Address: dietmar.koenig @ lra-ffb.de

District Office Fürstenfeldbruck

- Office for Youth and Family -

AL Peter Schmelzer

Munich Street 32

D - 82256 Bruck

phone 08141/519 - 208

Fax 08141/519 - 450

E - Mail - Address: peter.schmelzer @ lra-

ffb.de 6th

District Office Fürstenfeldbruck

Münchner Str

32 D - 82256 Bruck

switchboard: 08141/519 - 0

Telephone Information Service Center: 08141/519 - 999

Fax 08141/519 - 450

E - Mail - Address: poststelle@lra-ffb.de

A God reward from Münchenan to ALL, the city of dreams and the world city of the seven beers, by and with

Joachim Hinz

- father retired (= VaD) since 20.12.2007 -


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