Songshan Shaolin Temple - The monastery
The Pagodenhof (塔院 ta yuan)
North West of the Hall of the six patriarchs "are two stone pagodas, which are among the oldest architectures within the monastery walls: the Shakya Pagoda (释 迦佛塔 Shijia so ta) and the Maitreya Pagoda (下生 弥勒 菩萨 塔 xia sheng mile pusa ta).
Both pagodas were 1087, during the period of the Northern Song - built (960 in 1127 AD). The abbot Guangqing (广 庆 Guangqing), the Shaolin Temple in the period from 1084 directed until 1087, decided in their construction. In commemoration of the third great Buddhist persecution under Tangkaiser Wuzong (唐武宗 Tang Wuzong, reign: 840 - 846), which entailed the destruction of many Buddhist temples and their art with him, he wanted to create a dignified and secure storage for two sculptures from the Tang Dynasty. It was a statue of the Buddha of the present (Shakya) and the Buddha of the Future (Maitreija).
Shakya The Pagoda is built on a two-storey terrace in plan and measures about 3 x 4 meters. The two floors of the pagoda have arched openings to small internal spaces. In the lower room is a colored statue of the Shakyamuni Buddha is of 1.73 meters.
has the upper portion of the pagoda built in a small archway a swarm of wasps its peaceful nest - even a piece of art! On the west wall of the pagoda is an inscription of the Abbot Guangqing.
few meters east of the Maitreya Shakya Pagoda Pagoda was built. With its 9 levels at 10 meters, this is a tall, elegant building. Inside the pagoda, the statue of the Maitreya Buddha is situated. As with the Shakya Pagoda is located on the west side of the pagoda a 0.74 meter wide and 0.32 meters high inscription was also written by Guangqing.
The inscriptions of the Abbot Guangqing are known for their powerful, unique style. Besides the above two are in the Shaolin Temple is another inscription by him on a stone tablet, which also shows a pictorial representation. It refers to the Bodhisattva Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of wisdom, and is "文殊 问 疾 碑 Wenshu wen ji at" called. This board is currently before the Sutraspeicher Hall (藏经阁 canjing ge).
Although there are some in China much earlier pagoda, a beautiful, these two Example of the two main construction methods of the earliest pagodas of the country. Both versions have a square base structure. The low Shakya Pagoda with few floors represents the "pavilion" style, as he was also represented at the time of the Jin Dynasty built Qiyun Pagoda of the earliest Buddhist temple in China, the "Temple of the White Horse". The Maitreya Pagoda built in the style of a much-story high tower. The main reason for this design is that the pagoda should appear as a repository of holy relics not only majestic and impressive - multi-storey buildings were traditionally the ruling class of China to show a medium, its power and prosperity -. but should also have a mysterious and inspiring acting charisma that leads to the worldly concerns to
In October 2009 there is next to the Shakya Pagoda a guard dog that may have to protect the cars parked here often special guests of the abbot and the abbot himself or his bodyguards. Possible trip, he is also waiting for a monk who footed the stainless "Meihua-post" bounce around, or a compassionate Buddhist who buys him free ...
30.03.2010 - yss
Last updated: 08/24/2010
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