Sunday, February 21, 2010

Who Is The Guy In Bait Bus

Shi Yanxiang (释 延 祥)
and his students
- I -

Shi Yanxiang (Shi Yan Cheung) ist ein Kampfmönch des Shaolin-Tempels und Meister der 6. Generation des Shaolin Fohanchui (Shaolin Vaughan hammer) * . Sein weltlicher Name ist Li Xiang (LI Cheung). Er wurde 1964 in Qiangao (high to village) im Kreis Wei (WEI Xian) der chinesischen Provinz Hebei (Hebei) geboren. Ab dem Alter von 11 Jahren lernte er von den Meistern seines Heimatortes, - Li Yiming (Li Yiming), Li Shangyou (Li Shangyou), Chang Fenglou (often wind F) und Li Feng (Li Feng), - Shaolin Kungfu, the Hong-style (洪拳).
1984 he was at his request from the Shaolin masters Fohanchui Pengxiang Qi (齐 鹏 样), son of Kequan Qi (齐 可 权), as a student adopted. He proved to be so serious and capable adept, that he selected from his master as a descendant of the Shaolin was Fohanchui. As a sign of his mastery, he was acquired, the Code of the Shaolin Fohanchui (少林 佛 汉 捶 谱) hands.
1995 he was appointed deputy chairman of the Association Fohanchui (Vaughan hammer Jingwu will), und er wurde leitender Trainer der "Fohanchui jing wu guan"-Schule (Vaughan hammer fine martial arts). Ein Jahr später eröffnete er eine eigene Schule (Shaolin fist post-learning Centre Vaughan ).
Nach der Jahrtausendwende ging er nach Chengdu, der Hauptstadt der Provinz Sichuan, um dort in der Elite-Schule für Shaolin-Kultur und-Kampfkunst (less Linwen Wu Chengdu elite schools) als Chef-Trainer zu arbeiten. Sein lang gehegter Wunsch, in den Shaolin-Tempel aufgenommen zu werden, ließ him no peace. He was presented Shi Yongxin, abbot of the Shaolin Temple. This took him on as a fighting monk in the temple and gave him the name "Yanxiang. In the battle monks of the temple, he is now one of the older, experienced kung fu masters, with a specialization in Shaolin Fohanchui.

In autumn 2009, he taught every afternoon a group of Shaolin disciples in the courtyard of the Hall of Ciyun Temple:

The demonstrations at the master's students are particularly popular ...

Pause !!!   休息!

* 佛 汉 捶 = Chinese Buddha's own? : ~)

21/02/2010 yss-
Last update on 30/09/2010
Copyright. Publication of the photos courtesy Shi Yanxiang
references are available on request,.


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