Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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process for the abused Lea-Marie from Teterow court cautioned Ex-Youth Office Assistant

In the case of the abused Lea-Marie from Teterow (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) has warned the Güstrower District Court earlier youth office assistant and on to a fine of probation convicted.

The court said the 56-year-old guilty of negligent bodily injury by omission. She had admitted to not following the call from a worried doctor responded consistently.

Despite the instructions of the doctor she had not stopped the martyrdom of the helpless Lea-Marie. The woman is accused of failure to render assistance.

The now 56 years old social worker admitted in court failures and regretted the action.

in May 2003 she had a call from a worried doctor received the notice but listed only on a piece of paper which she had any comment to the competent colleague on the desk, no need to follow the process further.

The mother had a girl born in November 2001 from April 2003 to June 2006 and over again infused vinegar and limescale. Lea-Marie's martyrdom was not discovered until nearly 30 hospital visits and over. The district court of Rostock

condemned the woman who had doused her child also with boiling water, in January 2007 to nine years The girl has suffered imprisonment permanent damage, it is now living with a foster family.

would be convinced that a psychiatric expert, the mother now condemned to timely offers of help of the Youth Office and the "likely" been received.

negligence of the doctors have been estimated by a legal practitioner extended the suffering of little Lea-Marie from Teterow by years.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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child abduction by the District Court Oranienburg / Czyszke, the youth office Oberhavel / Rieck, and the child's mother Kathleen Wichmann

The grandparents have the right to determine residence. Charge against all persons involved follows.

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to the district court (possible 1)

to the district court (possible 2)



possible in a preliminary injunction proceedings

the District Youth Welfare Office (in front of the door)
Agent of

- the potential plaintiff -



In my privacy

99 999 ZuHause

process represented Advokatus
- potential defendant -

due to avert a possible injunction / Interference with parental custody by removing one or more children from the budget of the applicant in

I am submitting the name of and on my s / r client / to a protected document and request for the putative defendant,

a possible rejected the request for an interim injunction.

the alternative, to decide without hearing on an application for an interim injunction.
reasons: first

The potential defendant (the defendant) must be in the circumstances concerned that the potential applicant (hereinafter Applicant) intends to obtain from the defendant a preliminary injunction of the court without a hearing. The consequences of such an injunction would be for the defendant - even with subsequent lifting of the injunction - a very serious and irreparable but especially the children affected by the measure.


The defendant is located for months in a pending divorce case, pending before the Family Court (away) during which the couple especially strongly to each of the transfer of custody / residence determination for their children Filia Filius and fight. From the Family Court (away) in this regard was already a psychological report commissioned which should be in the next few days.


The defendant is also trying vigorously in any family proceedings a proper arrangement of working with the 4 year old living with his father Filia achieve, what the father of the children, however, is opposed.


The father studied for the separation of the spouses, to disparage the defendant in any way so as to obtain custody of makeshift residence determination for both legitimate children.


On Thursday, received a call from the defendant the plaintiff in which she was informed that the county youth office (near from far away) would be present "something" against them. The clerk told the defendant to do you go home the same day. Since the defendant was prevented in time, they agreed on Friday as a deadline for a home visit.


The defendant was the telephone call by surprise, so that she agreed without second thought the home visit. In retrospect, however, she doubted the legality of such investigations, which apparently only to a renewed vilification of the husband based.

their view, the task of youth ministry in counseling and providing assistance. Possible investigation of criminal offenses, however the responsibility for their understanding of the law only the state institutions, police and prosecutors.


The defendant has been canceled so the agreed home visit appointment and goes instead to look directly to the plaintiff for the personal interview.

you could wish for:

entirely confidential talks in the framework of advice and assistance through the county youth office (in front of the door).
information about her alleged allegations, if necessary to enlighten.
Since you apparently allegations to § 1666 BGB is accused, she fears that the plaintiff, the refusal of an immediate home visit as an opportunity for removal under § 1666a (2) will take the Civil Code, for their one or more of the children in the household to . escape

This was a substantial and unjustified interference would mean in her constitutionally protected parental rights. Much more, however, a massive psychological damage to children would be feared, can not understand the situation and of course also do not protect against the applicant are.

presumption: The upcoming

Factual and legal issues must always be mounted so that available on a possible application can not be determined without a hearing.



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Without words and example .. for the actions of German youth welfare offices . An upright judge, who clearly knows yet what it is right to speak ...

nine days of negotiation process takes the death of foster child, Anna († 9) already.

The pediatrician (60), in which Anna made a psychotherapy, yesterday in the process: "I reproach myself that I have not seen it so seriously.
But Anna has never told me what. I had the impression that she and the foster mother well together may. "

is becoming more urgent after testimony, the question of the complicity of the Youth Office Königswinter.

judge on Monday threw out Josef Janssen a process-observer of the city: Ashok Sridharan, First Assistant Secretary. Even against the youth office run investigations.

Janssen: "I think it will evolve so that it would be better if the city is not here." The Assistant

last Thursday was the first time in the courtroom. Mayor Peter Wirtz had sent him. He was promptly on the incriminating testimony, Wirtz corrected by press release, which was to refute them - but the accusation of false Using protocols of Anna, he said nothing better. . .

and now wants to invite judges Janssen addition to the displaced youth chief officer Klaus Plate, perhaps, the mayor and the head of the Legal Office. For the mess is becoming clearer:

• records were destroyed by the responsible staff member Anna, allegedly reconstructed. You must testify on Monday.

• Anna's mother had criticized the minutes of the last-call assistance plan.

• The concerned school principal was brushed off: with Anna was all okay.

• The co-defendant foster father Ralf W. (51) yesterday: "We told the youth welfare office in February 2010: Anna must be placed somewhere else. "On 22 July drowned his wife the girl.

Monday, February 21, 2011

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The Shaolin Temple and ordination (受戒 shou jie)

The ordination of monks and nuns in Budhismus of paramount importance, it provides but for the preservation and protection of the Buddhist community, one of the "three great treasures" (Buddha, teaching, community) to which every Buddhist seeks refuge to which he professes. It is one of the largest and most important rituals of the Buddhist community. On a personal level, it means that by the time of preparation Novitiate of the final transition into a life as a Buddhist monk or Buddhist nun.

the time of the Buddha was the inclusion in the Order still fairly straightforward. If a person who received the first teachings of the Buddha, accepted his teachings and strengthened his confidence in them, had the desire cherished, to become a monk, he asked him: "May I, O Lord, In the presence of the sublime to move away enter the house and received the monastic ordination. . May I exercise in the presence of the sublime to the pure change "then invited the Buddha to him:" Come, monk, and the lesson was well set out, practice the pure change, to the suffering of a final to set the end. "Even Sariputra Maudgalyayana and his friend, and later two of the most outstanding student of the Buddha, were by him, together with 250 monks walking, only with the two words" Come, monks recorded.

Even the Buddha's lifetime, there was worry about his successor. There were attempts to be determined by him as his successor, against whom he fought back but with complete clarity. Before his death, and the entrance to the Parinirvana he stated: "The doctrine and religious discipline, which I have explained to you and says, are after my death your master." It was thus after the Buddha does not successor appointed by him, his authority was walking alone on his teachings and the rules of the breeding of receiving from the Sangha and pass were. Of course, this, those who were in possession of this doctrine, in turn, to authorities.

Since the Sangha for the authentic tradition of the doctrine and rules of the Buddha through the generations was in charge was accurate, "legally valid" definition and implementation of the ordination of great importance. To the established rules are part of the Vinaya Pitaka, the "basket of monastic discipline, one of the three parts of the Buddhist canon, the already formed in the early days of Buddhism and was committed to writing.

for a valid ordination, the regulating them, very detailed rules that relate primarily to location, participants, and implementation, be strictly observed. They include the following main points:
  • The Ordinationsort be obtained by appropriate ceremonies, a clear limitation, since the surgery to have the legal validity of action, within a formal monastic boundary (sima) must be completed.
  • The ordination ceremony requires the presence of 10 fully ordained monks ("Ten Teachers"; 十 师 shi shi), the chair must be from a minimum of 10 since Years ordained monk out.
  • For entry into the Order in general there are no barriers in terms of birth and origin. Certain people should be excluded for various reasons by the inclusion in the Order:
    • people who have reached (from the date of conception) is not the minimum age of 20 years. China has always been permitted exceptions, which are then described as "makeshift" rule (fang bian jie 方便 戒) is now generally ordination from reaching the legal age of majority (18 years have allowed).
    • committed
    • eunuchs and hermaphrodites
    • people, certain crimes such as murder of father, mother or an Arhat, rape of a nun, malicious injury to a Buddha
    • persons without have given admission to the Order of the status of a monk / nun
    • people who have a religious schism verusacht
The office provides the following persons for ordaining a break with the rules
, but it loses Searched
    • people with certain physical disabilities, missing limbs, including infectious diseases
    • soldiers, debtors, slaves
    • From prison escapee including police
: not valid Others
Women also initially denied the recording was in the order, they are reluctant to allow
; the Buddha, and then only under the condition of additional rules and obligations,
; The nuns were subordinate to the monks (and there are to date).
  • The novice must include possession of an eating tray and the three monastic robes are
  • The implementation of the ordination ceremony, the 3-time request from the novice to be admitted into the Order, and a survey of the novice, the confession, survey of the monastic community after objections to the admission, the information of the monastic community about successful teaching and more
  • After joining the monastic order is the exact time found the surgery and is listed as this is important for the seniority of the new monk, that is, for the Ranking in the monastery hierarchy. Also, this new monks of the four material foundations of life (食 缘 / paccaya) elucidated.

With the introduction of Buddhism in China and its adaptation to local conditions, the ordination was more and more subject to government control . The Chinese emperor did not allow their subjects without difficulty, the civil obligations as forced labor, military service, tax payment to avoid etc.. With the condition that the monasteries undertook to obtain religious merit for the good of the Emperor and the general public, were given some monasteries (usually "State monasteries"), the imperial permission to perform surgeries at specific intervals. The number of surgeries was by the rulers to their respective limited just seems fair measure. Also been introduced earlier ordination certificates (戒 牒 jièdie). Unauthorized ordinations were severely punished.

parallel, was the "internal" adjustment instead of Buddhism, its development into a "Chinese Buddhism", under which the rules of were subjected to ordination changes. A prominent role played here Daoxuan (道 宣 / 596 - 667), a tangzeitlicher Buddhist monk scholar who is regarded as the founder of the Chinese Vinaya sect (律宗) and numerous articles written about the Buddhist law and rules, which are still important . He changed both the ordination platform (the prescribed place of ordination) and the ordination ceremony based on a contemporary interpretation of ideas of the Mahayana and introduced writings with the aim to make China a single monastic orders and thus a strong monastic identity to create. Shortly before his death he wrote the monumental work "Illustrated Record of the construction of the ordination platform" (关 中 创立 戒坛 图 经 Guanzhong chuangli jietan tujing). It was the first by a Chinese monk written document on the ordination ritual, and a landmark reference work for future construction of platforms ordination and development of the monastic order.

In Chinese, the Buddhist ordination of monks and nuns "maintenance of the rules" (受戒 shou jie), or "passing the Rules" (传戒 chuan jie called). In general, it is part of the "Dhama Assembly to pass the great rules of the three platforms (传授 三 坛 大 戒 法 会 chuanshou san tan da jie fahui) instead, during which the novice rules that monks and nuns rules and the Bodhisattva bids passed. Only with this "triple ordination" is obtained in the recognition of China as a fully ordained monk or as a fully ordained nun.

The Dharma Assembly to pass the rules (传戒 法 会 chuan jie fahui) is performed in today's China by selected "ordination temples" at specified times and in each case for a larger, predetermined number of aspirants. Because of the importance of the ordination of all monastic communities, it is an honor among the approved ordination Temple of belonging. A temple must meet the religious requirements except for certain "secular" conditions. So he has plenty of room for example and have a sufficient number of warehouses that provide the appropriate amount of required materials and the necessary organizational structures can have. Although he received from the candidates, respectively. their masters, a moderate fee for ordination, this is sufficient but in general not to cover the costs. Consequently, the temple also have sufficient financial resources to meet organizational and material terms, the strictness of this important event will be. The necessary foundations are in place, the temple is in the Buddhist Association of China (中国 佛教 协会 zhongguo fojiao xiehui ) a request, is visited by their auditors and may, if suitable, the permission to carry out the event will receive extensive.

The ordination meeting extends over about a month. It starts with registration of participants, the solemn reception of the invited dignitaries and the consecration of the site. To get the surgery to have the monk candidates undergo an examination. Only when they have successfully passed this, they can ask for the receipt of the rules. The candidates will receive training in Buddhist etiquette and the many rules of monastic life. They learn how to walk, how to stand, how to pack his baggage, his tasks (eg in the Warehouses) the next monk passes and how to receive guests, they are instructed in the proper use of the monk robes and eating dishes and much more, much of which they have already learned in the course of her novitiate, but they now have the "final polish" their conduct . At this it can be seen then whether they were ordained in a monastery, were taught the etiquette, ritual behavior and compliance with the rules "right" or only lax manner.
related addition to the teaching of theoretical and practical place in accordance with the provisions of numerous ritual ceremonies. They include the Bussfeiern attended by the candidates, in order to purify the sins of their old life and start cleaning her new life as a monk or nun inside.

The Shaolin monastery has had since the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907), an ordination platform and had since been to the temples in China, which is responsible for the dissemination of the Buddhist rules of the following generations wore. In the Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911), however, was the ordination platform of the temple destroyed and stopped the great ordination meetings. Therefore, we sent for the reopening of the temple in 1979 and the official of the ordination in China the novices of the Shaolin Monastery to receive the monk ordained in the great temple consecration of the country - for a temple with such a great story, as they have the Shaolin Temple can not a very happy state. In order to meet its past, had the temple, the old, prestigious tradition resume. There would Shi Yongxin, abbot of the Shaolin Temple to recover from October 2005 to August 2006 the ordination platform and obtained the appropriate permits from the Buddhist Association of China. For the management of the ordination ceremony, he could win personalities to the highest Buddhist dignitaries China count.

After an interruption found more than 300 years of 24 May to 21 June 2007 Dharmaversammlung to pass on the rules the first time in the Shaolin Temple takes place - because of its enormous scope in cooperation with the Shangqiu Guanyin Temple (商丘 观音 寺). Shi Yongxin writes about this in his book "Shaolin in my heart" ("我 心中 的 少林"). "The passing of the rules symbolizes the light up again a glorious era of the Temple" (传戒 标志着 一个 寺庙 的 盛世 到来) According to his statement in the same book went through more than 1,000 people testing, 500 male and 230 female candidates were allowed to ask for the receipt of the rules.

A highlight of this ordination meeting was the participation of a high dignitary Weixian (惟 贤 长老), one of the most respected figures in Chinese Buddhism of the present. Despite his advanced age of 87 he became tutor to the Presidency of the ordination ceremony.

2010, the ordination meeting at the Shaolin Monastery in the period from 20 April to 21 May take place in their course were only 455 male aspirants who came from all corners of the country were the orders. The next
Dharmaversammlung to share the rules laid down for the year 2013.


All photos: copyright by Songshan Shaolin Temple, China - Published with kind permission of Yankai fashi.
The contents of this article were considered the best of my knowledge and belief in their truth content and created. Ultimately, they reflect my reflection of things. References are available upon request through available
21/02/2010 - yss

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Youth Office - Missing, an angel named Leon Wichmann

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the-file-nina + + + THE BLOG: BULLETIN - child's father and journalist Michael Mosuch youth office Stuttgart

the-file-nina + + + THE BLOG: BULLETIN - child's father and journalist Michael Mosuch "BULLETIN As we just heard was the child's father and journalist Michael Mosuch of Stuttgart public prosecutor and the district court without giving further reasons set.

happened Apparently this indicates the desire of the youth office in Stuttgart.

It will have to assume that the setting was, because social services Stuttgart hopes the fact that "finally getting quieter" .

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The good cooperation between Marcel Piesche youth office / Upper Havel and the district court Oranienburg / woman Czyszke ...

Whose interests represents the nurses on here ... That of his ward? And who pulls the strings here??

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Amtsgericht Oranienburg / Czyszke judge - Decision ......

Very Ladies and gentlemen, I hereby

lay a complaint against the above decision.

• As the magistrate correctly observed, it has removed the child's mother Kathleen Wichmann residence determination, health care and the right to regulate intercourse. The grandparents but they did not deprive the residence determination. There is no decision, which deprives the grandparents' way of interim order obtained residence determination for her granddaughter Leonie Wichmann again. (See attachment) The grandparents are still, up to now, carriers of the residence determination. This eliminates, for objective Establish criminal liability under § 235 of the Penal Code and the transfer of the residence determination on the caregiver is ineffective. A child's withdrawal, there have been so before. A retrial is therefore in progress.

• Lt. the checklist for the child welfare risk in accordance with SGB VIII, § 8a existed since the return of Leonie's in the best interests of Germany a permanent threat to my granddaughter. Sun including no protection against psychological violence. Leonie has been traumatized by the removal. This trauma has to remain and be seen among others in the bed-wetting, bowel movements. In November 2005, after the child's mother has tried Leonie to remove from my budget, responded with Leonie wetting. Dr. Ruppin Dacke of the hospitals at that time diagnosed with fears of loss and recommended allowing the pediatrician Dr. Gratopp no walkways to the child's mother Leonie has stabilized. The magistrate then went Czyszke already across that recommendation and ordered whorls. Leonie's behavior problems were getting worse after each use. Despite repeated request to the Youth Office Oberhavel for amendment of intercourse on a child-friendly level was not acted upon. Offers of assistance were made in full. I then tried using a child psychiatrist to clarify where the base is looking for Leonardo's Behavioral problems. This study was the child's mother forbid, by threatening with criminal consequences. The child psychiatrist then broke off the investigation. (See file 32F273/05) Only after my relocation from Germany to Austria in July 2006, listened to the behavioral problems. Leonie had to fear no more, that her mother picks them up. Every print in the internet you can see that Leon was not wearing a diaper or the like. As long as Leonard was living in Vienna, there were no behavioral problems. This only began after the keeper Leonie by Marcel Piesche was picked up from Vienna. The reason for this decision of the magistrate issuing the wake of a report on order, with a predetermined result. (On the question clearly readable) Here the principle of neutrality of judicial experts has been completely ignored. (1 BvR 252/10 dated 02.02.2010)
The magistrate Czyske continues from the beginning of the process of family over the will and the sensitivities of Leon. Furthermore, there Leonie currently following child welfare hazards according to the checklist:-lack of clothes (age-and weather-under), not a regular visit to a mainstream school, although Leonie in Vienna has already visited the school, not a continuous educational behavior, no stable loving relationship (according to reports and statements of YES Oberhavel / Landshut and child psychiatrist Soldo has it the fact to me), there is no recognition of the person in relation to self-determination and individuality, their talents are not age-appropriate support and a future planning is certainly not even. Therefore, urgent action here, especially now that the office nurse, the magistrate, the curator ad litem and the child's mother does not behave cooperatively for the benefit of my granddaughter. Their action has led to Leonie must live in psychiatry.

• Reports of procedures help Katrina students that Leonard suffers from massive behavioral problems that are in the bed-wetting, bowel movements, complete dependence and shows a sexualized, distance-free and oppositional behavior. Leonie's a trauma by the removal will of course continue to deny, even though the Office of the Judge so prized witness Waschke-Peter says in his report: "Ms. Wichmann sen. was severely traumatized in their youth and prevented from living out their emotional relationships built up. She describes herself that she as about six-year-old intensively for many months showed resistance when she was obliged to make contact with her grandmother, she had brought up by then and moved to give up and the home of their mother to live. "Why this should at Leonie be different? The child psychiatrist Ms. Soldo stated in its opinion that a removal is not necessary and may be the removal of Leonie's psychological development negative consequences. Ignoring the facts will certainly not justice.

• As for the sexual behavior of Leon, the magistrate shall try here once again seems to suggest a child welfare endangerment, which is of course with his grandmother. The results to which they will then prove, in fact just their incompetence and lack of expertise. The curator ad litem does not seem to have the necessary competence and professional ability. After consulting a child psychologist may be true that Leonie was sexually abused but it does not. (See also the appendix) Quote: ". It is to be considered that can be inferred from a problematic sexual behavior never that sexual abuse has actually taken place" And again, to underestimate "is not, moreover, that linguistic provocations for children may be of particular social milieu and a contact offer to enter into a kind of test of readiness, to them, albeit an unfortunate one, because rather than creating barriers desire to encourage a conversation. "And who is in psychiatry is to Leonie? If you observe their will to want to live with his grandmother? And then you wonder about oppositional behavior? Behavior that you have caused yourself? It is here the question of why none of the leaders has been brought a lawsuit to remove the suspicion and why is spoken only in the current decisions of a sexual abuse? I any case, today asked police. Leonie has never shown in my household these abnormalities. This is demonstrable and provable by medical reports and development reports from the day care center.

• According to the decision to Leonie is now more in a residential care facility where she has settled in well and feels comfortable. If a child feels comfortable, it does not show such behavior. Leonie and lives not in a residential care facility, but still in the Ruppin clinics in child and adolescent psychiatry. According to her supervisor and witnesses (who are willing to testify), it is very bad Leonie. She receives no visitors, not even by the child's mother, who allegedly wanted to build a bond with their child (see file 32F273/05), has no social contacts and not even attended a mainstream school. While I allegedly committed a child welfare endangerment, because I supposedly did not allow that forges a bond with their mother Leonie, may a youth office, a magistrate and the child's mother away with any social contact and completely deny a child . Isolate Leonie visited in Vienna, first detected the nursery and then school. Now she was disturbed by these persons sustained psychological. All statements and reports which are opposed by a removal of the judge ignored. Even the youth services Oberhavel and Landshut, and the child psychiatrist Dr. Soldo spoke out against removal. The judge sat down across everything. Not to me there is a lack of insight capability here in unlawful conduct. I strongly recommend to the judge for lack of insight into their illegal conduct to reconsider and cease to traumatize children.

Furthermore forbids BverfG youth services and courts Admission to mental hospitals and the arrangement of psychotherapy.

§ 31 (1) Decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court, the constitutional organs of the federal and state governments and all courts and authorities.

Federal Constitutional Court 1BvR 1572/10

paragraph 14 of the Judgement.
"aa) of Article 2 paragraph 1 GG guarantees in conjunction with Article 1 paragraph 1 GG the general right to protect this right from the concept of following self-determination right of the individual to decide in principle, be revealed when and within what limits personal life issues (see BVerfGE 65, 1, 80, 367). This includes the protection against the collection and dissemination of findings on the health status, mental condition and character of the individual (see BVerfGE 32, 373 <378 ff.>, 44, 353 <372 f.>, 65, 1 <41 f.>, 78, 77 <84>, 84, 192 <194 f.> , 89, 69 <82>). The protection is all the more intense the closer the data of the privacy of the affected persons who claimed a sacrosanct area of private life against all the state's respect for and protection (cf. BVerfGE 32, 373 <378 f.>, 65, 1 <45 f.>, 89, 69 <82 f.>). "

A psychotherapy, and medical or psychological assessments affect the most personal and constitutionally protected private Area of life and access to the fundamental right under Article 2 and Article 1 of the Basic Law Reviews

Thus the Federal Constitutional Court is under para. 15 states:

is despite the specific form of psychotherapy used their objective is, through the interaction with the therapist to change personal behavior and / or certain personality structures to reduce mental illness or suffering or to resolve. Such treatment often requires a constant analysis of the mental state and personal attitudes of the patient by the therapist and the patient in turn requires a thorough discussion with yourself, you actually get to the very personal, by Article 2 Para 1 in conjunction with Article 1 paragraph 1 GG protected life of the person concerned. This also includes the will and the decision of not doing individual to a psychotherapeutic influence to submit to your own personality or that.

Leonie is against their will in psychiatric accompanied by constant fear. treat According to the testimony of child psychiatrists here in Vienna to present the documents to Leonie's behavior problems would a) be ambulatory and b) dissolve completely after their return to their main caregiver.

• Neither the magistrate nor the nurse or the nurse procedures are able to communicate with Leonie. A hearing of Leonard would not hurt her, but it would come to light that Leonie will remain with her grandmother back and would not be natural. So researchers are looking for reasons to prevent this. Leonie Landshut has only been to the Youth Welfare Office is clearly expressed to the effect that she wants to stay with his grandmother. Even with our arrest, Leonie said the official from the quiver LKA Vienna: "Why do I need in a home, I have parents." And later: "I want to stay with their mother." And even if they excite now back terrible , yes Leonie mom said to me, because she looked at me as their mom. In Moreover, according to child psychiatrist, a natural occurrence. Also can the LKA Vienna has all the Leonie tried in their stay at home, no one has ever seen a child welfare risk with us and only then is a possible removal. So we designed a future child welfare endangerment and because they had nothing else, of course, a spiritual. Only the Constitutional Court prohibits forecasts for the future. And that is also binding on a district court. (§ 31 of the FCC) also has the magistrate no child psychological assessment as required by the Federal Constitutional Court sought, that would have to clarify whether the removal of harmful Leonie. I refer to my letter from the Pre-Trial 32 F 273/05.

• As for the alleged education inability of the grandmother: How usable is a report from 2006 by an alleged expert notes that the grandparents and the child's mother education are incapable, when born in January 2008 a second child (Michelle Fabio) and the may raise child's mother this child? And without that she made a therapy. She still has a personality disorder and is therefore incapable of education or not? I consider, therefore, in the near future a request for withdrawal of parental custody to provide regarding the child's mother for the second child, as there is an acute danger, according to child welfare reports. And if the report not in relation to the child's mother are true, it may not even apply to a logical conclusion on the grandmother. Is education so I am able.

• Furthermore, I refer to my comments received in the request for the magistrate not a word. Rather, they exist in every back of the three decisions, like a mantra, repeat the same slander and falsehoods. It explains not know why, neither the court nor the nurses office so far managed to build a relationship that Leonie with her mother. Here, too, lacks the necessary expertise. Leonie's mother has a personality disorder, it can build no relationship with her daughter. And unlike as the judge here it is, had a contact Leonie for their mother until they have and the YES Oberhavel interfered. Then did not want to Leonie. The child's mother had already taken the time to use each and are brought back home. There were even more offers to the child's mother lived as we have in Austria. The cost for the train and take on board we wanted. A support for the handling was found. The mother has never responded to this offer. And even after the return of Leon in the FRG took care of the mother is not her child. The alleged deal is designed so frustrating, like everything in its decision. Because these facts are verifiable and subject to the Act from the Pre-Trial.

• If the return of a child with the serious risk of physical or psychological harm is linked to the child or the child is brought to others in an intolerable situation to remain under the child's return. (Art. 13 Hague Convention) Also this article was simply ignored to the detriment of Leon, because what do they stay in psychiatry without any reference person now? (Decision of 29.10.1998 - 2 BvR 1206/98) due to Leon's decision violated their fundamental right under Article 6, paragraph 2 sentence 2 in conjunction with article 2 paragraph 1 GG and in their fundamental right under Article 103, paragraph 1 GG (right to a fair hearing).

• According to the European Court of Human Rights includes family life under Article 8 of the ECHR, at least - well - close relatives - such as grandparents and grandchildren - as they can within the family play a significant role. Respect for family life so understood reasons for the state the obligation to act in a way that allows for the normal development of this relationship (see ECHR, Judgement of 13 June 1979, NJW 1979, p. 2449 <2452>). It follows that the courts have to consider when choosing a guardian existing family ties between grandparents and grandchildren.
If these relatives to guide the guardianship suitable for the purposes of § 1779 Section 2 BGB, it may not be as ignored because an outside third party would be better suited to such a view to optimal mental demands of the child. And I have 6 years of proven, despite the alleged inability of education, that I can educate Leonie.
The access rights are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Constitutional Court and the European Court for grandparents as they falll also under the protection of Article 6 of the Basic Law and Article 8 ECHR (see Constitutional Court, 1 BvR 2604/06 of 18.12.2008 - in the blog below)

Citation: Constitutional Court, 1 BvR 3189/09 of 14/07/2010, paragraphs No.. (1 - 31)

• I also find it very strange that I put on 01/14/2011 an application for inspection on 01.18.2011 and the records from the youth office Oberhavel disappeared. At the same time ordered retroactive to 1/5/2011, a new office nurse. My application will not be edited. Only after a Disciplinary Complaint against the judge, it is their work on this and two other possible applications.

• Can a proceeding under § 1666 BGB, but the legal elements for the infringement of fundamental rights, namely the risk to the child and the absence of risk aversion will and ability of the parents, will not be determined as appropriate measures must omitted (see Briesemeister, in:. Jansen, FGG, 3rd edition, 2006, § 12 para 15). And in my household there were never a real child's welfare at risk.

• The judge has once again shown in their decisions that they can not objectively decide in the light of the circumstances and according to the child's interests but acting out their will and their feelings on the back of my granddaughter. I have handwritten notes from the judge that clearly prove that it has no interest in the welfare of my granddaughter. I will publish these in due course.

• Furthermore, I refer to my comments in Application to which the magistrate with no word is received. Rather, they exist in every back of the three decisions, like a mantra, repeat the same slander and falsehoods. Since when judicial decisions are actually made of text blocks? It explains not know why, neither the court nor the nurses office so far managed to build a relationship that Leonie with her mother. Here, too, lacks the necessary expertise. Leonie's mother has a personality disorder, it can build no relationship with her daughter. And unlike the judge, it is here, Leonie had any contact with their mothers until they have and the YES Oberhavel interfered. Then did not want to Leonie. The child's mother had then be brought to every deal and even brought back home. There were even more offers to the child's mother lived as we have in Austria. The cost for the train and take on board we wanted. A support for the handling was found. The mother has never responded to this offer. And even after the return of Leon in the FRG took care of the mother is not her child. The alleged deal is designed so frustrating, like everything in its decision. Because these facts are verifiable and subject to the Act from the preliminary proceedings.

• What do you mean keep the grandparents, the child's mother is "allegedly" unfit for education? Here, too, seems to be the judge forget the expert in his report comes to the conclusion: Quote:. "A support and care Leonie by the child's mother is therefore currently not compatible with the welfare of children, ...; Given the scale of the disturbances of the child's mother, whose chronic in recent years and the lack of willingness to change is likely to become involved in the coming years, no significant changes ... .. A patient family support is extraordinary in view of the situation is no sensible and appropriate assistance dar. "And as the judge wrote in her decision:" ... .. is the child's mother is not able, so far the custody of pursue the minor child. "So who is saying the child's mother is incapable of education?

• And what are the therapeutic measure to reduce disturbance terms of the relationship to adult level, the judge seems to have still not noticed that the child's mother has a personality disorder. Such therapy is for healthy people may be preferable to the child's mother, however, requires a different treatment. I recommend to the judge the witness Waschke-Peter, to question this will certainly confirm that a Borderlinerin requires a different treatment. And I'm perfectly normal, according to reports.

• Due to the denial of the child's mother the magistrate would have long ago must take steps to improve the child's mother gives up their obstructive behavior and the contact Leonie their main caregivers (according to opinion) allows. The obvious reasons for the denial will be here once again not been established. That we are the child's interests promote the OLG Brandenburg (9UF176/09) stated in an earlier decision and even the experts Waschke-Peter comes to the conclusion that Leonie have contact with their main caregivers must.

• Which conflicts of loyalty should we rush to Leonie? Should they be loyal attitude towards psychiatry? The child's mother takes care of it not about her, she can do this by now a new child.

• A judicial neutrality is here, not in the other two decisions as can be seen.

The acute welfare of the child endangerment by the official keepers of the district of Upper Havel and the now newly appointed me unnamed guardianship is transferred to me, because I know the needs of my granddaughter and she was always supplied the best, both mentally and physically.

Friday, February 18, 2011

A Sample Of A Tv Programm Proposal

checklist child welfare risk - Youth Office (no joke)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Cartoons Maxine Birthday

quiet corner of the Shaolin Temple

14:02 .2010 - yss
protected by copyright

Friday, February 11, 2011

Is It Llegal To Make A Copy Of A Coupon


